Thanks for your interest in the Professional Photographers of Michigan. Use this form to join our organization.
As an PPofMI member, you'll gain access to our members-only events, be eligible for image competition awards and trophies, receive discounts from our sponsors, and be eligible for our annual educational scholarships.
Joining the Professional Photographers of Michigan is the right step to further your career in photography. Together with other industry professionals you will stay on top of the latest advancements in the photographic industry. PPofMI is made up of dedicated people who strive for the very best for their businesses and their lives. Now is the time to take your photography to the next step. Join PPofMI and see how “The Best is Yet to Come!"
New Low Rate for All Members!
For only $99 you receive:
Membership runs for one calendar year beginning on your join date. So, you can join anytime and start enjoying your benefits right away.
All applications need the approval of the board before they go into effect.