Professional Photographers of Michigan |
The Michigan Service Award was designed to recognize outstanding service to the Professional Photographers of Michigan. The motivation for service should not be the award but the new friends and benefits we provide to our fellow members. As we work side by side, we are providing the foundation for our association to better serve each of us. The involvement of all members in the operation and advancement of the association will bring about strength and unity far beyond that which could be achieved by any of us individually.
This award may be presented to any active or vendor member in good standing.
"No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave."
- Calvin Coolidge
Please read and follow these rules exactly! To not do so will most likely cause loss of points. We cannot become involved in correspondence over lack of information. If instructions and rules are not followed, we may have no choice but to disallow points. If a member feels they are deserving of merit for some unspecified service, that member should submit a formal written request to the Service Award Committee. All decisions of eligibility for points will be made by the five members of that committee with the approval of the PPM Board of Directors. These decisions will be final.